Best Sites for Song Lyrics: The Top 5

How does that song go? You can quickly and easily find the lyrics for any song ever written with these best sites for song lyrics online. From historical ditties to the latest pop hits, these are the sites that searchers can use to track down their favorite songs.

In addition to song lyrics, you can also find all sorts of musically interesting information, including a deeper look into the background of an artist, how this song fits into different musical genres, musicality, and much more to fill out your knowledge.


MetroLyrics features over one million songs (that’s quite a few), but even better are the various music categories that they have available, such as list of artists by music genre, Top 100 Most Popular, and Christmas music, which at the time of this writing spanned over 20 jam-packed pages. MetroLyrics is an extremely user-friendly site; it’s very simply designed and helps you navigate to the songs you are looking for in a hurry. You can search with a simple keyword search (artist, title, lyric snippet), or you can browse the top fifty most popular songs of the moment on the front page.

MetroLyrics is owned by CBS, and offers a more interactive experience than many other comparable websites focusing on lyrics alone. They focus not only on finding the words to songs, but also listening, watching, and background editorial information. One fun feature: users can quiz themselves to see how much they know about their favorite songs, artists, or musical genres.


LyricsMode offers a song archive with more than 650,000 listings for more than 25,000 artists at the time of this writing. Search for song alphabetically by band, check the top 100 most popular pieces, or do a simple search by keyword, song title, or artist name. Search alphabetically, by song title, or you can check out the Upcoming Releases front and center, a nice feature. In addition, LyricsMode offers the most popular trending music charts by artist, song, and genre.


AZLyrics has been around since 2000, and has a very large collection of lyrics. You can find words to songs here by using the keyword search, searching alphabetically, or browsing the Video section, where you can find lyrics for all the most popular music videos, a nice feature. With literally hundreds of thousands of songs in the AZLyrics database, you’re almost guaranteed to find what you’re looking for here. This site is extremely simple to use; you can search by artist, song, album, or, if you only know a bit of the song, by phrase. In addition, AZLyrics also offers search for soundtracks, music videos, and the ability to request lyric information.


LyricWikia offers you a vast database of searchable songs; they are a wiki, so users can actually sign up to contribute to the database themselves if they would like to help out. There are a number of ways you can search LyricWiki: by artist, album, song, genre, hometown, label, language, or compilations. LyricWikia also offers search by song title, artist, or lyrical snippet. This site not only has a sizable database of lyrics-over a million at the time of this writing-but they offer cover images of whatever artist you’re looking for as well. Search by artist, album or song, browse the alphabetical directory, check out the trending top songs, or check out the Billboard Top 12 albums, with links to the words of the individual songs.

Lyrics Mania

Lyrics Mania offers you a vast database of searchable songs. There are a number of ways you can search Lyrics Mania: by artist, album, song, genre, hometown, label, language, or compilations. Features includie Soundtrack Lyrics, a unique database of searchable movie soundtracks organized alphabetically; the top one hundred songs being searched for at any given moment, the top one hundred artists that are being searched for, and the ability to send in lyrics to a song that you are searching for but have not found covered on the Lyrics Mania site (they ask that you search for it first so there are no duplicates). The top 100 songs and top 100 artists at any one time are also tracked in a dynamic chart feature, so users can always see what’s most current in a variety of genres.

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